Our Story

Hi, I’m Lauren - the founder of Perfect Gifting and I was tired of not knowing what to get my loved ones too.

I’m an auntie with 4 nieces, 2 nephews, and 3 young cousins, all who mostly live interstate. I am also at the age where most of my friends are pregnant or already have little ones. I LOVE buying gifts that make people smile.

Making thoughtful gifting easy, for everyone, everywhere, everytime.

Let me share with you how Perfect Gifting began...

About Us

In December 2017 I found myself in Disneyland attempting to purchase gifts for all of my nieces, nephews and young cousins. As I walked around the many Disneyland shops, it became apparent that I had no idea what size shirts they wore, what characters were “cool”, if they had their ears pierced, or if they wanted something specific. I was lost!

I found myself searching through Facebook photos trying to work out the answers to these questions and messaging family to see if they knew. I wished for somewhere I could go to easily get the answers. What a great idea that would be! For the next year as birthday’s, anniversaries, special events, and Christmas rolled around, I kept having the same problem! I thought, what if there was somewhere we can input enough information that makes gifting easy... the idea for Perfect Gifting was born.

Making thoughtful gifting easy.

Perfect Gifting
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